CouchDB Weekly News, January 20, 2015

Major Discussions

Limitation on number of databases? (see thread)

Question: A user was wondering if CouchDB was imposing any limit on the number of databases which a single instance can serve (and replicate).

Answer: There are two limits:

  1. Operation system limit on file descriptions user allowed to manage (see uliimit).
  2. CouchDB inner limitation. See the CouchDB Docs for details.

Configuring these options right allows you to serve thousands active
databases without any problem.

CouchDB to csv file (see thread)

Question: a user is working on a script in Java to convert a whole CouchDB into a csv file and wants to know about the easiest way to do that.


  • using `/{db}/_all_docs?include_docs=true` (see docs)
  • Couch has an HTTP API, so you have to pull the right URL in Java (i.e. open a to the right URL). You can try the URL in the browser before to check whether all the right data is there. So, you can point your browser to http://{server}:{port}/{db}/_all_docs?include_docs=true and check if you have all info in it. Then you can use something like (new“http://{server}:{port}/{db}/_all_docs?include_docs=true”).openConnection()) to grab the URL connection and work from there. Using something like this is certainly useful
    when moving forward.
  • using a list and fetching it as a csv file.

Releases in the CouchDB Universe

Use Cases, Questions and Answers

For more new questions and answers about CouchDB, see these search results.

Get involved!

If you want to get into working on CouchDB:

  • We have an infinite number of open contributor positions on CouchDB. Submit a pull request and join the project!
  • Can you help with Web Design, Development or UX for our Admin Console? No Erlang skills required! – Get in touch with us.
  • Do you want to help moving the CouchDB docs translation forward? We’d love to have you in our L10n team! See our current status and languages we’d like to provide CouchDB docs in on this page. If you’d like to help, don’t hesitate to contact the L10n mailing list on or ping Andy Wenk (awenkhh on IRC).

We’d be happy to have you on board!


Job Opportunities for people with CouchDB skills

Time to relax!

  • “Turns out great minds don’t think alike. Discover how some of the world’s most original artists, writers and musicians structured their day … .” – The Daily Routines of Famous Creative People
  • “As developers, designers, and content creators we cannot control what users are carrying into their experiences with our work. They’re carrying past and present pain. We cannot pretend our users are perfect automatons, single data points on a web log devoid of emotion. We have to be kind. After all, we have our own past and present pain we’re carrying into the interaction.” – The Year of Empathy
  • “Ah, meritocracy! The great solution to all of society’s problems, at least if the white, heterosexual, cis-male hacker is to be believed. If just we’d had meritocracy, then we could actually solve the important problems, and everyone would be happy!” – There’s no merit in meritocracy

… and also in the news