CouchDB Weekly News, August 10, 2017


Releases in the CouchDB Universe

  • cloudant 2.6.0 (Python) – Cloudant / CouchDB Client Library
  • kivik 1.0.4 – Kivik provides a generic interface to CouchDB or CouchDB-like databases for Go and GopherJS.
  • loopback-connector-couchdb2 0.9.0 – The loopback-connector-couchdb2 module is the CouchDB 2.0 connector for the LoopBack framework that supports the advanced functionality originally found only in Cloudant but that is now available in CouchDB.
  • node-couchdb 1.2.0 – node-couchdb package provides an easy way to interact with CouchDB using preferred cache layer.

Opinions and other News in the CouchDB Universe

… and in the PouchDB Universe

CouchDB Use Cases, Questions and Answers

Use Case:

Stack Overflow:

no public answer yet:

PouchDB Use Cases, Questions and Answers

Stack Overflow:

no public answer yet:

For more new questions and answers about CouchDB, see these search results and about PouchDB, see these.

Get involved!

If you want to get into working on CouchDB:

  • We have an infinite number of open contributor positions on CouchDB. Submit a pull request and join the project!
  • Do you want to help us with the work on the new CouchDB website? Get in touch on our new website mailing list and join the website team! –
  • The CouchDB advocate marketing programme is just getting started. Join us in CouchDB’s Advocate Hub!
  • CouchDB has a new wiki. Help us move content from the old to the new one!
  • Can you help with Web Design, Development or UX for our Admin Console? No Erlang skills required! – Get in touch with us.
  • Do you want to help moving the CouchDB docs translation forward? We’d love to have you in our L10n team! See our current status and languages we’d like to provide CouchDB docs in on this page. If you’d like to help, don’t hesitate to contact the L10n mailing list on or ping Andy Wenk (awenkhh on IRC).

We’d be happy to welcome you on board!


Job opportunities for people with CouchDB skills

Also in the news

Submit news to the CouchDB Weekly

Reach out to us with your news suggestions by sending us an email or by contacting us on Twitter @CouchDB.


The Apache CouchDB development community is proud to announce the immediate availability of version 2.1.

Version 2.1 incorporates 10 months of improvements to the already successful 2.0 release.

For CouchDB < 2.0 users, the main improvements in 2.0 still apply for 2.1:

  • 99% API compatibility- native clustering for increased performance, data redundancy, and ability to scale
  • Easy querying with Mango
  • New Admin interface- Major performance improvements around compaction and replication.

Most importantly, CouchDB 2.0 finally fulfils CouchDB’s original vision of a distributed and clustered document database.

The 2017 Annual CouchDB User Survey has revealed that after only 7 months, 68% of our user-base have adopted CouchDB 2.0.


CouchDB 2.1 addresses most of the issues people found with the initial release of 2.0. And aside from a few new features, there has been a major focus on release tooling in a way that the project is now in a position to make more regular and more stable releases going forward. This means faster bug fixes and faster new features for all CouchDB users.

Major Features

CouchDB 2.1’s flagship feature is what we call the Replication Scheduler. It’s a completely new way of how replications are managed in CouchDB. Replication is CouchDB’s defining feature, and improvements there usually benefit the majority of CouchDB users.

A CouchDB replication is a way to seamlessly synchronise two databases. There are on-off replications and continuous replications for example when you want to have a hot-spare copy of your database on another server or cluster. CouchDB would run multiple continuous replications in parallel in an always-on fashion. That means, even where there are no changes in the source databases, CouchDB maintained a replication management process, HTTP sockets, file descriptors and everything else required to replicate when an update occurs.

That is generally not a problem, until you start having many replications. A common pattern in CouchDB to separate out data that is to be accessed by different users is to have a database per user. Keeping a hot copy of thousands or tens of thousands (or even more) database becomes a major undertaking and CouchDB’s rather brute-force way of managing this (always-on) wasted a lot of resources.

In addition, replication connection pooling as well as performance tuning tuning was pre-replication instead of per-server, so there were a lot of improvements including socket re-use that couldn’t be taken advantage of.

With the Replication Scheduler in 2.1, that all changes. Replications are now managed per server, connections to other servers are managed in a pool that different replications can share. And depending on how many resources CouchDB users want to spend on replication, they can limit the number of allowed concurrent replications. The Replication Manager will smartly cycle through all replications in turn, to make sure everybody gets a fair share, without exceeding server- or cluster-wide limits.

The Fauxton admin UI has been updated to support these changes as well, including:

  • New replicator section
    • Supports new replication api
    • Monitor _replicator db and _replicate replications
    • Easier creation of replications

There is now a new conflict editor, that helps to make document conflicts visible and easy to manage.

One of the biggest feedback-items we’ve received about Fauxton since it’s release with CouchDB 2.0 was that the information density could be improved. In 2.1 Fauxton sports a brand new document listing section with alternating json-view, metadata-view and and improved table view.

Other improvements include:

  • Fauxton now fully using React
  • Fixes to the Cluster setup page
  • Improved pagination for _all_docs
  • Fixed database encoding issues
  • Lots of bug fixes and styling improvements

The least visible improvement in 2.1 is the one that will have the most impact going forward. The team has spend the first half of 2017 with massively improving the project test and build infrastructure. This includes:

  • making sure the various test suites we have for CouchDB run reliably in all CI contexts
  • adding a whole new CI context in the ASF’s Jenkins setup so we can automatically test multiple operating system versions
  • automating the creation of binaries, specifically .rpm/.deb files for releases and development versions
  • In detail, the Jenkins setup today tests 4 variants of Linux with 2x FreeBSd BSD and macOS in the works and automatically produces native package manager binaries for all platforms that are being tested.

Binary packages for major releases make it easier for people to upgrade to latest versions. Packages for in-development versions allow the bug reporters to verify their issues being fixed more easily.

This all will allow the project to make more stable releases more frequently.

See the “What’s New” section of the documentation for a full list of improvements and bug fixes.

We Need Your Help: Donate Hardware

We have big plans for our Jenkins pipeline, and we are already intentionally limiting it’s usefulness, in order not to exceed our fair share of resources at the ASF. As a result, we are asking for hardware donations for our CI pipeline.

Specifically we are looking for:

  • Colocation facility server, ideally with root access, alternatively VMs on said server.- sudo/root access
  • 8+GB RAM
  • 200+GB storage, SSD preferred
  • must support Docker.
  • The current focus is different Linux variants, but we’re also interested in *BSD and other Unix flavours as well as Windows and Mac machines.

We’re happy to list sponsors of CI hardware in future release blog posts as well the main CouchDB website.

New On the Blog

We’ve added two new categories of posts to the CouchDB blog

  1. A new User Story series, where projects and companies using CouchDB show what they are doing.
  2. Developer profiles: get to meet the people behind CouchDB.
  3. And of course, the infamous CouchDB Weekly News continues its relentless pace.